Sam Holland of Quite Right Theatre As a company of young artists (we are both in our mid twenties) Sad Siren took the decision to base ourselves in Sheffield last autumn, around the same time Theatre Deli opened on the Moor. Over the past 10 months Theatre Deli has been absolutely instrumental to our development as a company and as individuals. Firstly, we were selected to be part of the Horror Souk festival, a 3-week programme of work across three floors of the building which involved us being paid the living wage and given a production budget to develop an original piece of work. Through Horror Souk we met nearly a dozen other companies at a similar (early) stage of their development, received significant producing and artistic mentorship from Theatre Deli and were supported in presenting our work to a much wider audience than would otherwise have been possible. In the short time its been in the city, Theatre Deli really has changed thelandscape for young and emerging artists In the short time its been in the city, Theatre Deli really has changed the landscape for young and emerging artists, as well as small-scale touring companies; some other larger venues in the city have far less provision for supporting, mentoring and guiding artists. Deli has an open door policy whereby a whole mixture of artists from different disciplines and genres can get help, advice and free space to develop their work. Particularly in Sheffield and in the current climate this kind of support is invaluable. It really does feel like an oasis to us and many of our colleagues making work in the city. Cities such as Sheffield desperately need as much help as they can get to keep venues like this open - it provides such a rich social, artistic and economic resource to artists and members of the public, and it would be a travesty for the council to give anything other than its full backing to the venue. Dozens of people use different areas of the building on a weekly basis, and should theatre Deli be forced to close I would really fear for the future of theatre and other arts practices in the Sheffield. Manage Cookie Preferences