Bobbins The Borrowers are on the loose! Follow them as they walk, run, jump over and perform acrobatics on their giant bobbin. They take us back to when we were young and the simplest object had a thousand uses. Acrobalance and physical theatre combine on a journey from the everyday into the wonderful, creating a world, where, as in Alice in Wonderland, familiar and small things have a habit of suddenly transforming in scale. "A Bright Young Thing in Outdoor Performance" - Total Theatre Magazine "Riotous"- This Is Cabaret Molly Orange have been creating and performing innovative street theatre for ten years inspired by circus, physical theatre and traditional covent garden style street performance. We specialise in larger than life characters who interact with audiences and adapt to an infinite number of environments, bringing high quality art to everyone all over the UK. _ }); The Old Library, CamberwellSE5 0PX Wednesday, 25th July5pm Age Guidance 4+ Pay what you feel Manage Cookie Preferences