Holly is a young white woman with shoulder length brown curly hair, and wears glasses and a black leather jacket


Holly is a content creator, fashion enthusiast and community-minded events organiser. She is an active member of the Sheffield LGBTQ+ community.

She works at Sheffield Hallam in the marketing team and is one of the team behind the open days where students visit campus for the first time. You may have seen her work (or herself!) in videos and other content across the @sheffieldhallamuni media channels. She is also co-chair of the LGBTQ+ Staff Network at Sheffield Hallam University. 

Outside of her job at Sheffield Hallam, she is interested in creating and building communities and encouraging connections. She runs a fashion society and often arranges trips to the theatre and other local organisations, to support independent ventures. She is a huge fan of drag kings and drag monster performances and invests her time in the promotion of these events, focusing on those who are not in the mainstream channels.
She is passionate about highlighting voices that are not normally heard and will champion those who need it.
LGBTQ+ SHU Staff Network: @hallamlgbtstaff