Wednesday 11th September 7-9pm 

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An Audience With Philips Nortey
The Industry Tea is providing actors, actresses and performers with an opportunity to have a candid conversation with Philips Nortey! From London to America, Philips has worked extensively across stage and screen as a 1st AD (First Assistant Director) and actor. He also recently produced his own project giving new talent the chance to shine!
Each ticket holder will be automatically entered into a raffle draw and the prize is a potentially life changing 'performance delivery'. 4 winners can take to the stage/mic with a 1 minute monologue at this event. In addition to Philips, you never know who in the audience could be the open door to that all important next step in your career!
So, come ready with your questions about the acting industry, agents, managers, auditioning, creating your own work, useful tips and tools for progression and more. Philips is ready to share his story of how he got started, to working with Jada Pinkett Smith. Tap into his knowledge and listen to some tangible examples of how you can get ahead as a talent.
This event is open to everybody age 18+ and you are encouraged to book early to avoid disappointment as there are a limited number of seats available. NO DOOR SALES.
This event is sponsered by The Flixters Podcast.
Drivers can park their cars at Minories and Tower Hill (both 0.4 miles away). There are five disabled bays. The car park rate starts at £4.50 (this information was correct at the time this event was published). More details here:


Curated by Charley Jai 

About this event 

Age guidance: This event is recomended for actors aged 18+

Content warning: None 

Duration: This event is 120 minutes long. 

Tickets: Tickets cost £7-£9 and are available to purchase through Eventbrite. 


See our Accessibility Guide for full information about access in our venue including step-free access.  

Find out more about The Industry Tea 

Events curated by Charley Jai - @charleyjaiuk

From connecting with leading professionals in specialist industries to help you navigate both your personal and career endeavours, to events that give you the opportunity to meet new people in a fun and inclusive space, The Industry Tea is aimed at those age 18+ looking for affordable, unique events to attend solo or with friends. 

Instagram: @TheIndustryTea_

Theatre Deli Hires 

For more information about hiring Theatre Deli’s space for your event visit our website or email [email protected]